I Arrive to church early to get the best seat in the church. I've heard
that the choir is singing my song on this Sunday. Mother Lantin sits next to me and states, "how you been sister?". I joyfully state, "blessed and highly favored Mother". I feel even more comfortable since I know that Mother Lantin is a praiser. "Now ladies and gentlemen the choir"! As I sit expecting a move of God; the new choir director appears from the side door like a flame swaying side to side on a skillet. He's shaking here and dropping it there. By the time the song was finished I was left asking myself; what just happened?. It's know doubt they sung my favorite song but... What da hell!!!, Mother Lantin shouted. I abruptly motioned to calm her down. She then whispered in my ear; "Sister the choir has sugar problems". I left church that Sunday dazzled and confused. I mean; I've seen and experience gays before singing in the church. Why did it now take me out of the spirit? Why did it change the perception of my favorite song? Why was I in such a disgusted mood afterward? Why, Why, and Why?
Although, this story is a fictional story; many can relate to the topic of Gays in the church and the questions that are left. Many suppress those feelings behind the fact; yet another year. Out of all the sins; many have taken this one to a whole new level. Again Why?, why, and why. We have come to compromise with the notion of gays in our family, work and now even church. We secretly object to there way of life for fear of isolation or being called a trouble maker. Those that choose to stand up; usually speak up out of hate or other selfish reason that often contradict all that God stands for. You've heard the preacher state, "God didn't invent Adam and Steve but Adam and Eve". Where is the Love and Kindness in that statement that God has instructed us to show to everyone. A delicate situation that many are all to often to shy away from. The Bible says " In all thy ways get understanding". So in researching this matter; I came to a couple of known factors.
Homosexuality is the action of having relations with a member of the same sex. Homosexuality has been common since the times of Sodom and Gamora. This practice became manifested within this story of same sex relations, but that story also has been misinterpreted for years as well. Many ministers have stated in reference to the story of Sodom and Gamora being just about same sex relations; but this story was about much more than just that. One factor is; It was not just same sex but many sexual impurities discovered within this passage of scripture. Such as; people sleeping with animals, sleeping with family, etc. The Bible puts just as much emphasis on homosexuality as it does any other sin. We find today; statements coming across the pulpit like Fag, Gay, and Queen, all of which is not even stated in the Bible. Neither is Homo; but reference to the action is made very clear, IT IS A SIN taken to a whole new level. The main factor that the Bible speaks against the act because those who practiced the act used Homosexuality as there God is diminished in today's podiums. For example, In the story of Sodom; the characters didn't have Christ at the top of their priority list but SEX. In fact; anything that we do that's more than the will of Christ is WRONG. (EXodus 20:3)
I was asked recently by a young male trying to get closer to Christ; why is it so many gays in the church? I responded that gays have always been in the church. Just as alcoholics, prostitutes, and spousal abusers. In fact until recently; you couldn't categorize gay, church and pastor in the same context but now lol. You have certain claims like with Bishop Long allegation, the local choir director and so on. The topic used to be so vague that you could only assume and never would give it a second thought because there was know action surrounding the thought of such impurity. Now, with Gay Weddings and this pastor coming out and that deacon being caught with that brother; it's all to clear there's no more assumption. Spiritually speaking; this is one scenario that Satan uses against God's people in so many ways. Satan looks at this as a tool used to cause conflict, defame the identity of people, and other tricks used to bring people out of the realm of God. Many have fault about weather or not you can be born gay. YES, that's a no brain er. If the Bible says that we were born into sin; why is that so far fetched in the minds of people. All isn't born gay though; some have been molested, abused mentally shattering their self-esteem, or grew up in a single parent home. Anyone of these characteristics MAY produce a homosexual or at the minimum homosexual traits. Like with all sins; Christ has paved the way for us to come out of any sinful situation. Yeah, you were born gay but you can come out of it if you want to.
Yes, you feel like a women but God made you a man and you have purpose. This same purpose is the means or the basis to why Homosexuality must be a sin. Everything God makes has purpose. Water keeps us and other elements alive, Marriage Christ ordained between man and women to be fruitful and multiply. Symbolizing the covenant Christ has with all of us. Now taking that purpose into account; what purpose does Homosexuality hold? Many state that Homosexuals are not just about sex. This is true in some cases; but what purpose did Christ leave for us that are not under the category of Bible speaking marriage? God's purpose was for us generally to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. (Mark 12:31, Matt. 22:37) To be kind to one another but not sleep with them LOL Even if a person does not practice Homosexuality; they're still wrong because recreational sex is Adultery. So this isn't a gay issue; but a purpose issue.
What is Homosexuality? Being sexually intimate; open or in the mind, with a member of the same sex through adulterous acts.
For one, you have GAY CHURCHES now that state that " God is Love and we all should live in harmony". TRUE but the extra that is also allocated in a particular church; like standing for the FIRST MAN, as like unto the first lady, is crazy and not scriptural. This states right out; "The Pastor is Gay and he wants his lover honored". In the words of MADEA " Hell to da NALL" lol Its one thing dealing with the sin but another stating and living life like its right. I've heard stories of falsifying the Bible to fit the lifestyle and this poses problems. I often tell those that are dealing with the lifestyle to pray and be still and hear the word of God. This is what God instruct us to do. Not to pray and still indulge in the very same thing that we are praying about. Sometimes you have to surround yourself with God and Godly people to accomplish this but it can be done. The Bible speaks about the blind leading the blind. How can one find deliverance in a specific sin if they commune with those that find know fault in the sin? Some churches COMPROMISE and never minister to the individual on the specific sin they're dealing with. Others wait to speak only if your man or woman has been taken away from you and you speak out of hate. I'm sure if these Pastors would actually sit down with there members, like a good Shepard would; and see what problems they are dealing with; they would find that most Gays are searching for deliverance. Most just don't know how to go about getting it. Because the neglect and ignorance of some pastors; homosexuals are told to seek God, get the holy ghost or other GENERAL solutions; instead of specifics. This often leads the gays to keep doing what they're doing cause they keep on getting the same vague responses to a solution. Tyler Perry once stated that "if you get to the root of a problem you can conquer any addiction". Pastors and ministers talk to your people. Get to the root of the problem. If you cant; ask God to send you someone to handle the issue. If Christ chose you to lead that flock; all people are included. Gays should be discreet. Yeah hide it till deliverance come! Reason being is if you doing a work for Christ in the church nothing should be in-front of that fact. Don't let your good deeds be evil spoken of. (Rom 14: 16) If you're running that mouth about who you slept with; or other flamboyant charades, you risk just that. Plus, its tacky. I don't want to hear about same sex; just as I don't want to imagine my pastor sleeping with his wife. EWW NASTY LOL
Gays have purpose just like your sinful behind have purpose and if God can speak through a Jack Ass he can certainly speak through a Gay. In fact; what better way to fight against the pending problem? If the gays that come to church serve God more than the lifestyle and see other gays do the same; they have a far better chance at seeing the light more so than having preachers bash them with hateful gestures such as Adam and Steve and run from the church lol. The Bible speaks of Christ drawing us with Love and Kindness.(Jeremiah 31:3) Then goes on to speak of letting the wheat and tare grow together and he'll do the separating. (Matthew 13:30) In other words; let the gays, alcoholics, etc. come; preach the word and show love and kindness. Utilizing these tools from God; gives a general strategy on how to deal with anyone in the church.
I've found; where there's a great music ministry and talented singers, you have a gay over it lol. Yeah its a stereotype but truthful. Many thought and still think this to be valid and correct. I'm often mistaken for gay by straight and gay alike. The fact that I'm a gifted musician fits an age old stereotype, that if you play piano in the black church you gay or at-least "mess around"; but that is far from the truth. AINT NO WAY LOL I love my wife entirely too much. A seriously funny situation though.
The churches are cracking up over this point. Do you let them direct the choir and draw in souls to Christ or sit them down because they cant stop switching and do without the souls lol? Do you continue to let them in general do there thing or not? I mean most gays that I know do a great service to there particular church. In fact, the only way I would sit down a person in that lifestyle is if they clearly choose to live in sin. In other words; If they start wearing a dress or hold hands in a THATS MY BOO kind of way in the church. I expect all of my church leaders to abide by the protocol of the church and follow the word of God to the best of there ability. I often tell my pastor friends that have dilemmas with the whole gay in the church issue to just follow what the Bible says to do about the matter. The Bible says that you can tell by the fruit that one bares whether or not they are good seeds. Lets not automatically assume they're bad because you heard or assume from gestures, etc. Remember, someones assuming about you just as you assume about them hmmm.
If the people of the church be about the Father's business, we wouldn't have time to bash each other. We would spend more time lifting each other up. Doing so; strengthens the flock to withstand the tricks of the devil in seeking out souls for Christ. Which is our basic purpose in the church. Lets Have Church People.
I can go all month on teaching GAY in CHURCH situations but point blank. If you can live like a drunk, live like a idiot, live foolishly, and/or live enviously; then a person can live Homosexually. People can choose to think Christ is for Homosexuality even; BUT if you want to step up your level of HOLINESS and get closer to Christ; DO ALL THINGS FOR AND BECAUSE OF CHRIST. My wife actually speak and talk to Christ during our intimate moments LOL Seriously, would you feel comfortable having sex in-front of Christ hmmm. He sees all anyway.