Thursday, June 13, 2013


Another BILL in the House!
    Now, this one is for Transgender Restrooms in the Schools. I'm sure there's many people in several arenas that have valid points on whether this may or may not be a good idea. But; Deitrick Haddon brought up the Church! So, lets run with it LOL.

Click here to see what Pastor Deitrick Haddon has to say

More specifically; Haddon said that it seems that the spiritual people are lying dormant while the world is waisting morally.
            We see this everyday in more areas than just this one. Lets take smoking! It's been proven; that smoking over a long period of time will surely KILL YOU. Now if we all know this, How many times do we walk past a smoker and wont utter a word or warning. Yeah there's more TV ads fighting smoking but personally can you say you are fighting the cigarette epidimic? What about Television in general? It has also been proven that TV is a kind of hypnosis to the brain. You know; the more you see it or here it, the more you believe it or want it. Why else would major companies spend millions on commercials?
           Hmm.. So how does this fit in with Haddon's statement. Most immoral things is a shocker at first but over time it develops a tremendous, earth shattering effect. Dying your newborn's hair pink is shocking at first but overtime is even more shocking to see how the dye within the perm has affected the child's mental and physical state.

Ok but we're talking about Transgender, not baby perms, TV or smoking. So, have you spoken to any transgender people lately? LOL Well, I have!              

Definition of TRANSGENDER: "of, relating to, or being a person (as a transsexual or transvestite) who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth"

There are two sides to this. In other words; it can be intentional or nonintentional. Now also WHO KNOWS YOUR SEX AT BIRTH more than anyone? yes you said it YOURSELF!! So, we come to the conclusion that people have to JUDGE you and hopefully BELIEVE you when you tell them I WAS BORN WITH THIS SEX ORGAN LOL
Now speaking to a transgender person; they filled me in on the dangers of living as they call "FREE BABY". Ms Girl!, as she likes to be called, says that "Sometimes she feel like a drug dealer trying to make a sale at a daycare for police mothers". The blank stares and under toned conversations; is as if they were murderers. One would think; that indulging in something as simple as a lifestyle would carring such detrimental weight. So it's safe to say; Yes Transgender can fit right in with TV, BABY PERMS etc. Even more so; it can be a moral factor.

Equiping Schools with transgender restrooms is like having a restroom for blacks only; and we all know the history behind that situation. It didn't make sense then and it certainly doesn't make sense now. It hasn't been proven medically or any other level that the Transgender community's brain is different from ours in terms of thinking and socializing; so why merit is there for isolating them from regular people that has use for the restroom.

Now on the other hand; Individuals that have been born with both genials may have a relivant gripe. But even that has questions. I mean, who really watches a person pee or the other lol. Better yet; who actually would feel comfortable tell someones business, for that manner.

The whole Idea is FUNNY to me. The notion of putting separate restrooms for transgender people is A HOT MESS lol. Bless everybody but NO. So, for me I do feel that many have turned away from the moral stants that society have stood on. Many have asked, "What do you do". Well, you stand up. You have some people that don't stand up for anything. Many have found it easier to state, "Child I have my own problems to deal with". But those same people look for the world to help them out when the tradgic ball drops in their lap. We must do better!! What do you think????????